
If you have any questions for our guest, we will gladly forward them to him, but we cannot guarantee a response. Send any questions from this episode to with “ELW Question” in the subject line.
- A wrap up of the discussion of Star Trek Discovery and comparison to The Orville.
- How Eric became Director of Star Trek Programming* at Dragon*Con.
- How Eric’s track of programming was born from his early experience in the fandom and how it was different from other tracks.
- Working with Star Trek guests and meeting William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
- What the Chairman of Treklanta wishes you knew about what your badge price pays for.
- The origins of the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant and its rise to becoming world famous.
- Closing thoughts on legacy.
TrekTrak Website (NOTE: This site is not affiliated with DragonCon)
Eric L. Watts – Introduction of William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy – Dragon*Con 2009
Treklanta 2017 – The Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant. The “incident” with contestants #2 and #6 starts just after the 22:00 mark.
Star Trek Discovery in Trouble? Rumor Rundown