Topics (Sober Segment):
- Eric finishes the sound check with Ezekiel 25:17 a la Tarantino, and we then blindly follow the thread of Samuel L. Jackson.
- New vocabulary word: pizzle.
- The joy of con versus the wrath of Khan.
- We peruse the Treklanta program to decide where we’d like to eat.
- A brief exchange on PBR and hipsters that brings us back Samuel L. Jackson and Pulp Fiction specifically.
- Fixing Eric’s boom. Are we in Atlanta or aren’t we? You’ve got to build bypasses.
- The NRA and The POTUS are in town. Politics ruin everything.
Topics (Inebriated Segment):
- Chris, in his uplifted state, reads excerpts from “Q In Law” by Peter David and “Mudd In Your Eye” by Jerry Oltion.
- Tina and Chris enthusiastically share what they bought in the Treklanta vendor’s room.
- A drunken synopsis of Q Squared by Peter David and the Trek episode “The Squire of Gothos”.
Topics: (Shit-faced Segment):
- Tina’s petticoat and the deployment of Axe body spray as air freshener.
- German comedians, Rammstein, and numb faces.
- Tina gets a friend request.
- By virtue of Axe body spray, Eric is placed in charge.
- Atlanta is the birthplace of Coca-Cola.
- Keith R. A. DeCandido got married (congrats!), didn’t make it to Treklanta 2017, has written a lot of books, and has been elected to represent rational thought among our group.
- Kickstarter (not a Patreon) for Mermaid Precinct. Note: Funding has ended for this project.
- Is Men In Black III any good?
- Blackberry is the old girl that still likes to dance.
- “Cash you outside” and we remember Donahue.

Rammstein’s Giant Penis
“Cash Me Outside” Girl – Dr. Phil Show
The Book Nook – Decatur, GA (Tina’s books came from this vendor)
Starbase Atlanta (Chris’ Rainbow Dash drink came from this vendor)