In the absence of Alex, the show took on the consistency of an amoeba. There’s a lot of stream-of-consciousness happening in this one which leads to random references from all over the geek spectrum. We will try to document them here so you at least of something you can use to keep up.
Of note, is the fact that we recorded this just a few hours before the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery on September 24th, 2017.
- The premiere of Star Trek: Discovery. The first episodes of The Orville. Our thoughts on Alara grinding on us.
- Chris’s beard and Dave’s mustache. An awkward exchange about our parents. More dark humor at Stan Lee’s expense.
- Tina’s current audiobook, Nightfall by Ann Stuart, is narrated by our previous guest Evan Harris. (See link below for more info.)
- Should we talk about pony pr0n?
- Dave’s movie segment. It Comes At Night. (See link below.)
- Our new Patreon page and how our Amazon Affiliate link works.
- What is your money pit hobby?
- Eric’s personal training and thoughts on Planet Fitness.
- Greenville’s first arcade bar, Tilt. The football game playing on Tilt’s TVs.
- Dave doesn’t eat pork. Jesus didn’t look like Thor.
- A stream of consciousness inspired by “The Invisible Man.”
- We continue to express our profound love for Tara Strong and Pam Adlon.
- New segment transition for the show. A classic SNL sketch that spoofs School House Rock.
- Another follow-up on MoviePass, which leads to nostalgia about The Big Hit.
- The hot button of political correctness.

Dave’s movie review:
Bud Light Commercial – “Dilly Dilly”

SNL – I’m Just A Bill
The Big Hit (1998) – Trailer
The Jerk (1979) – Trailer