We begin this episode with a message from the NerdBliss call-in line, and then Team NerdBliss weighs in on Spider-Man: No Way Home. Call or text us 24/7 at (864) 715-9446 and leave us feedback […]
A pop culture podcast for passionate people.
We begin this episode with a message from the NerdBliss call-in line, and then Team NerdBliss weighs in on Spider-Man: No Way Home. Call or text us 24/7 at (864) 715-9446 and leave us feedback […]
Bliss Bites is a short-form spinoff series from NerdBliss. Bliss Bites are short segments by the NerdBliss hosts. In Volume 3: Community in fandom iPhone vs Android Support your friends Loki, First impression (after one […]
Here we are, born to be kings, relegated to the role of podcasters. In this episode, Chris and Tina talk about finally taking the plunge with HBO Max and the show that finally pushed them […]
Team NerdBliss gives their feedback on the Disney+ limited series, WandaVision. We also check in with some messages from the NerdBliss Call-In line. Call or text us 24/7 at (864) 715-9446 and leave us feedback […]
The agreement between Marvel and Sony that allowed Spider-Man to be a part of the MCU has come to an abrupt end. Is the arrangement really over, or will Sony and Marvel come back to […]
SPOILER WARNING: This episode contains a TON of spoilers for Avengers: Endgame!! You knew we’d dedicate an episode to Avengers: Endgame, right? And with the spoiler frenzy surrounding this movie you can bet your ass […]
Tina broke her elbow just to get this guest for the podcast. J.T. is Tina’s physical therapist and he helped her make a tremendous recovery. We talk about his passion for physical therapy, CrossFit, and […]
Conservative pundits Bill Whittle, Steve Green, and Scott Ott have weighed in social justice in modern movies and television. (See their video in our show notes at nerdblisspodcast.com and on our Facebook page.) They seem […]
Captain Jean Luc Picard is back, baby! Engage! We talk about the announcement of Patrick Stewart’s return to Star Trek and what it could mean for the future of the franchise. And he’s not the […]
When San Diego Comic-Con is happening, you get more trailers and announcements than one geek brain can contain. We highlight our favorite ones in this episode (with even more on Patreon). Our friends Kate and […]